In reality the Ratan Institute was established to accomplish people's dream. We always feels that technical knowledge in must in our's for that people need the best Industrial Institute.We succeed to open Ratan Industrial Training Institute & we started some trade likes fitter's / electrician's and cutting & swing training was started in 2011 - 12. I hope that our efforts will open the gate of your of your golden future. |
Mr. Virendra kumar Director |
The objective of the institute is toperform outstandingly at the national level.  The progress of theinstitute will remain focused on the future opportunities of the trainees inthe technical field and the quality of successful trainees will provide newheights and recognition to the institute. |
Abhishek kumar Vice Director/H.O.D |
Our Institute Ratan (P) IndustrialTraining Institute was established in 2011.  It has been done for socialwork.  In which we want to promote technical education so that our levelin the society can increase and we can coincide with the progress of thecountry,  I believe that the Ratan IndustrialTraining Institute will fulfill its purpose and the future of the youth / youngpeople will be bright which the country  Will work best on the level. |
Aniket Kumar Vice Director |
The aim of the institute is to achieve excellence at the national level.The progress of the institute will be focused on the future opportunities of the trainees in the technical field and the quality of the successful trainees will provide new heights and identity to the institute. |
Mrs. SHIVKANTI DEVI koshadhyaksh |